Bierfotografie in Wien

Seit dem ersten Lockdown 2020 bin ich unter die Hausbrauer gegangen, und dieser Schritt hat für mich die Tür in die Welt der Craftbiere geöffnet. Die wunderbare Diversität und Kreativität auch ganz kleiner Brauereien begeistert mich. In meinem Fotostudio erstelle ich Getränkefotografie, aber vor allem setze ich Biere stark in Szene.

Biersortiment von 6 Beers von Peter Ferak

Spielerisch versuche ich die Bierflaschen in Szene zu setzen, und oft sind es wirklich kleine Details die den Unterschied machen. Wenn man mit reflektierenden Gegenständen arbeitet, ist es um so wichtiger die Lichtgestaltung im Auge zu haben, um störenden Spiegelungen zu vermeiden. Produktfotografie stellt einem vor allem in der Lichtgestaltung vor neue Herausforderungen, es ist gar nicht so einfach die Reflexionen im Glas gut zu kontrollieren.

Native Tongue des Ottakringer Brauwerks mit Gerstenmalz
Ottakringer Brauwerk Black&Proud Porter

Nach einigen Versuchen habe ich aber ein Lichtsystem gefunden mit dem ich zufrieden bin. Hier habe ich schon ein paar Beispiele von Bierproduktfotos und Settings mit denen ich mich versuche weiter zu entwickeln.

People of Vienna

In end of november I took my camera equipment to the streets of vienna. For a day I set up a so called pop up studio and took portraits of people passing by. Christane and me asked hundreds of people if they would like to participate in this project. So what is it? People of vienna, or however I will call it in the end, is a photographic long time portrait project, I set up a simple studio in different places of Vienna and portrait the diversity of Viennas inhabitants. For sure I would like to extend this projects to different cities. We will see how this goes!
I really enjoyed meeting all this different people I otherwise would not get in touch with. We all live in such small areas, move to the same places on a daily basis, but we hardly get to know each other. This short encounters gave me already a sense of how diverse Währing and of course Vienna is. Here some results of the first streetstudio photo session.

People of Vienna by Tobias PehböckPeople of Vienna by Tobias PehböckPeople of Vienna by Tobias PehböckPeople of Vienna by Tobias Pehböck People of Vienna by Tobias Pehböck People of Vienna by Tobias Pehböck

Research at

I started my research for a new documentary at the storehouse of, the biggest collection of everyday items used for film and theater. I took some snapshots while working on a trailer with Björn, Piers and Germaine. In the following we did a short Trailer for a possible film there.

Dokumentarfilm Teaser: "WEG" über die Filmausstatter am Nordwestbahnhof 2017

„Living Habits“: my graduation film for the Erasmus Mundus Master Course Docnomads

Portugal 2014
Director: Tobias Pehböck

Grazianos and Ursulas living habits are a bit different as you may know. They live with their 11 year old daughter Jamila for more than 17 years in their camper van.  During my finals semester with Docnomads I joined them in their life, living myself in a camper van. We shared stories, food and places to be. Out of the time together my graduation film “Lebensgewohnheiten” was formed. With this film I graduated my studies with Docnomads in 2014. The Erasmus Mundus Master Docnomads was one of the most inspiring times in my life. Travelling with a wild bunch of documentary filmmakers was exciting, shootings short films in three different countries, learning from different experiences made in the filmindustry all over the world.

Dokumentarfilm: Leben im Wohnmobil - my Docnomads graduation film