„Living Habits“: my graduation film for the Erasmus Mundus Master Course Docnomads

Portugal 2014
Director: Tobias Pehböck

Grazianos and Ursulas living habits are a bit different as you may know. They live with their 11 year old daughter Jamila for more than 17 years in their camper van.  During my finals semester with Docnomads I joined them in their life, living myself in a camper van. We shared stories, food and places to be. Out of the time together my graduation film “Lebensgewohnheiten” was formed. With this film I graduated my studies with Docnomads in 2014. The Erasmus Mundus Master Docnomads was one of the most inspiring times in my life. Travelling with a wild bunch of documentary filmmakers was exciting, shootings short films in three different countries, learning from different experiences made in the filmindustry all over the world.

Dokumentarfilm: Leben im Wohnmobil - my Docnomads graduation film